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Notice of Anchovy Die-Off

October 23, 2024, 3:00 PM

Dear Harbor Users,

For the past five days, staff has been working to remove dead anchovies from the harbor. Currently, there are very limited numbers of dead anchovies on the surface of the water, but harbor staff will continue to clean and monitor the areas where fish oil and residue are present, including docks and gangways.

At this time, we estimate that approximately 90,000 pounds of anchovies were removed from the harbor, with Tuesday’s clean-up effort netting the largest yield.

Conditions will continue to improve as ocean swell and increasing tidal exchanges are expected. These weather conditions and the aerators will continue to help flush the harbor and return the water to normal over the next several days.

The Port District would like to extend its gratitude to the slip renters and volunteers who contributed to the clean-up efforts. A big thank you to Pete’s Outflow Technicians who provided valuable support during the clean-up process and transported the fish debris for disposal.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding during the recent clean-up efforts.

Holland MacLaurie
Port Director

October 21, 2024 

Dear Harbor Users,

For the past three days, staff has been working to remove dead fish from the harbor as the fish float from the bottom to the surface. Today’s clean-up efforts netted the largest yield, and staff will reassess the situation tomorrow to see if it is possible to remove any more fish waste from the harbor.

Unfortunately, the harbor experienced another large influx of baitfish this afternoon. While the most recent oxygen readings indicate that levels remain low, all aerators are deployed, and we will keep you updated if the situation once again becomes critical.

In the meantime, we appreciate your patience with the ongoing clean-up efforts.

Holland MacLaurie
Port Director

October 20, 2024 

Dear Harbor Users,

The anchovy clean-up operation is well underway in the south harbor. The clean-up process is expected to continue for the next several days as fish that are currently suspended on the bottom and underneath docks float to the surface.

Crews were extremely productive today and removed in excess of 2,500 pounds of floating fish from the surface of the water. All harbor facilities remain open for vessel launching and traffic.

We appreciate your understanding, cooperation, and words of encouragement as we continue with the clean-up efforts.

Holland MacLaurie
Port Director

October 19, 2024 

Dear Harbor Users,

Due to a depletion of oxygen in the water, a fish die-off occurred in the south harbor area on Friday evening, October 18, 2024. Staff initiated clean-up efforts this morning and removed approximately 1,500 pounds of floating fish from the surface of the water.

An assessment of the extent of the die-off continues in tandem with the clean-up efforts, but all harbor facilities remain open for vessel launching and traffic.

Over the next several days, the anchovies will continue to float to the surface of the water. As a result, clean-up efforts will resume tomorrow morning and are expected to continue for the next several days.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue with the clean-up efforts.

Holland MacLaurie
Port Director

October 18, 2024 

Dear Harbor Users,

This evening, a large influx of anchovies depleted oxygen levels in the harbor causing a die-off in the south harbor area. Staff is currently in the process of assessing the extent of the fish die-off and initiating a clean-up response.

Resources are being mobilized and we will update this notice as the situation evolves.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we undertake the clean-up efforts.

Holland MacLaurie
Port Director