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Monthly Waiting List Reports

All slip assignments will be based on chronological precedence of requests. Only one size slip may be requested. The size slip requested may be changed at any time prior to issuance of a slip, and the original precedence date retained. Individuals who transfer their waiting list date from one list to another will be inserted into the new list chronologically; however, they can not initially be higher than the #3 position.

People who are offered a slip, but do not accept the slip, must go on the “standby” list. A standby list has been created for those individuals who know they will not be able to accept a berth in the near future.

Waiting list applications can be filled out at the harbor office. An initial registration fee of $125 is required. Thereafter, a $125 registration fee will be charged on January 1, of each year to retain the request. Waiting list renewal fees received after the February 20, deadline will be subject to a late fee. Failure to re-register by March 1, will result in removal from the list. These fees are not refundable and are subject to change.


SOUTH HARBOR WAITING LIST (updated 03/01/2025)NORTH HARBOR WAITING LIST (updated 03/01/2025)OTHER WAITING LIST (updated 03/01/2025)


Waiting List Procedures 

All slip assignments will be based on chronological precedence of requests.  Only one size slip may be requested.  The size slip requested may be changed at any time prior to issuance of a slip, and the original precedence date retained; however, under no circumstances will s/he be placed in a position higher than the number three position.  In other words, the top two people on the waiting list are assured of their position and are only subject to possible requests from those individuals holding slip leave options or formal leaves of absence who request to return to a slip.

A slip renter must give up one slip to take another of the same or different size.  Only one slip will ever be given from a single application, no matter how many names are on that application.

People who are offered a slip, but do not accept the slip, must go on the “standby” list.  A standby list has been created for those individuals who know they will not be able to accept a berth in the near future.

Only the applicant(s) listed on the application form and spouses will have rights to a slip license.  If you plan to own a boat in partnership, it is important that you list all of the partners with whom you wish to be a co-slip licensee at the time you sign up on the list.  Additional names cannot be added after initial sign-up.  Contact the harbor office if you have any questions about partnership rights.

An initial registration fee of $125 is required.  Thereafter, a $125 registration fee will be charged on January 1, of each year to retain the request.  Waiting list renewal fees received after the January 31, deadline will be subject to a late fee. Failure to reregister by March 1, will result in removal from the list.  These fees are not refundable and are subject to change.

When a slip is offered, it must be accepted within two weeks by executing a "Slip License and Indemnity Agreement," a "Statement of Ownership and Registration," payment of first month's rent, a security deposit, and proof of vessel ownership.  Notices offering slips will be sent by certified mail.  If no response for the slip offering is received, the applicant will be placed on the “standby” list.

Before a slip license agreement is actually signed, the waiting list applicant must verify to the Port's satisfaction that the registration or documentation of the vessel is in order, that any partnerships meet the Port's regulations, that the boat’s measurements fit within the slip size requirements, and that the boat is substantially complete, operable and seaworthy, and properly registered.  Only after these items are in order will the Port enter into a license agreement.

Individuals who do not own a boat when they accept a slip will have up to 90 days to acquire a boat and comply with the above-listed requirements.  Subletting of the berth during this initial 90-day period is by special permission only.

Requests for extensions of time must be in writing, showing good cause for delay in placing a boat in the slip, and be approved by the Port District.  If good cause is not substantiated, the slip license will be revoked and the slip will be assigned to the next eligible applicant from the waiting list.

Ordinance section 300 stipulates that only one slip will be allowed per married couple; however, each partner has the option to remain on the waiting list.  Only in the event of a dissolution of the marriage would such individuals be allowed to accept the second slip from the waiting list.  Each individual must determine whether or not the cost and effort to remain on the waiting list is worth the protection.

It is permissible for two regular licensees to trade slips if mutually agreeable and approved by the Port District.  Port District approval shall include the determination that both slip renters wishing to trade shall have had their slip for longer than it takes to get the desired slip through the regular waiting list.  In this way, the trade shall have no effect on the waiting list.

The waiting list is maintained in chronological order.  The list is derived from chronological entries taken from the initial request. Supplementary lists may be used to simplify the showing of relative positions.  Any disputes will be resolved strictly by actual chronological precedence of basic slip assignment request, regardless of size.

In the event a slip license is revoked, activation of your original waiting list date will not be allowed for a minimum of 2 years from the date of revocation.  Additionally, waiting list fees may be used to cure account delinquencies, thereby cancelling your waiting list status.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to notify the Port District of any change in address.

Clearance under the bridge into the north harbor is 23'6" at mean lower low water (“MLLW” = zero tide).  Therefore, no "low profile" vessels (vessels whose overall height from the waterline is 19' or less) will be permitted to berth in the south harbor.

Slip SizeLocationMax. LengthMax. Beam
20’North only22’10’0”
24’South only27’11’0”
25’North only28’11’6”
30’North and South35’12’0”
35’North only40’13’0”
40’North and South47’13’6”
Wide 45’North only47’ 16’0”
50’South only58’16’6”
60’South only70’16’6”

Multi-hull By Port District Approval


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